Welcome to the Innisfail Flying Club
The Innisfail Flying Club has been the managing body for the Big Bend Airport (formerly the Innisfail Airport) since 1986. Originally one of the training centers developed during the second world war (in fact the original triangles are still visible) the Airport is now an active centre for recreational flying activities.
The Innisfail Flying Club is home to:
Central Alberta Gliding Club Alberta Skydive Central Paramotor Sports Canada
HISTORY: The airport was opened in 1941 as a Relief Landing Field for No. 36 SFTS at Penhold . During WWII RCAF Station Penhold was home to No. 36 Service Flying Training Schools from September 28, 1941 to November 3, 1944. Aircraft flown where the Airspeed Oxford. The unit was part of No. 4 Training Command. In 1960, the Innisfail Flying Club was established at the airfield.
Military-sponsored flying training returned to the former RCAF Detachment Innisfail when a Regional Air Cadet Gliding School was established at RCAF Station Penhold in the summer of 1966. Flying training was conducted at both Penhold and Innisfail.
In the early 1980’s, the Air Cadet Gliding School began making use of the former RCAF Detachment Netook as an alternate airfield to the Gliding School at Innisfail. By 1986, the Gliding School moved permanently to Netook.
The Innisfail aerodrome remains today and is still used by the Innisfail Flying Club whose mandate is support and promote all things aviation.

Club members may book and use the club owned aircraft for flying at a great members only rate. It's a great way to affordably build some hours and experience.
Click here to book the aircraft
Contact Us
Innisfail Flying Club
1041 Hwy 54 Box 1
Red Deer County, AB
T4G 0H6